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Travel Enjoyment Made Easy: Recommendations for Your Colombian Adventure

Photography: Mario Carvajal.  Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 (www.fotur.org)

Congratulations on making the decision to travel to this beautiful country in South America. To ensure your journey is nothing short of delightful and free from major setbacks, we’re thrilled to share some invaluable recommendations for travelers exploring the wonders of Colombia.

1. 🛻Choose public transportation for light travel

If you are traveling light, consider using public transportation. Not only is it cost-effective, but it also gives you the opportunity to experience local life and soak up the authentic Colombian atmosphere.
Keep in mind that in large cities like Bogota, Medellin, and Cali, it is advisable to use apps like Uber to avoid traveling during peak hours (6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.). In the rest of the cities, especially in rural areas, it is a pleasant experience to use public transportation.

Old car in Tabio-Colombia
Old car in Tabio. Photo by Andrés Balaguera Preuss on Unsplash

2. 🏨Select renowned tourism services and formal businesses

When planning your next vacation in Colombia, it is important that you consider choosing tourism services from companies that are registered with the National Tourism Registry (RNT) and have the Tourism Quality Seal. By doing so, you will not only ensure a pleasant and stress-free experience but also contribute to the long-term development of tourism in this beautiful country.

By choosing registered businesses, you can rest assured that the accommodations, tour operators, and travel agencies you choose are licensed and regulated. This ensures that they meet all legal requirements and have the necessary permits and insurance to operate in the tourism sector.

In addition, supporting registered businesses helps promote responsible and sustainable tourism in Colombia. These companies are actively involved in community development, environmental protection, and cultural heritage preservation. They strive to minimize the negative impacts of tourism and maximize the positive contributions it can make to local communities.

So whether you’re embarking on an adventure through the lush Amazon rainforest, exploring the vibrant streets of Cartagena, or immersing yourself in the rich history of Bogotá, be sure to choose tourism services from companies registered with the Sello de Calidad Turística. By making this conscious choice, you will not only ensure a memorable and hassle-free experience, but you will also play a crucial role in supporting the development and preservation of Colombia’s incredible tourism offerings.

Screenshot of the Tourism Business Consultation page for the status check of the National Tourism Registration in Colombia.
Screenshot of the Tourism Business Consultation page for the status check of the National Tourism Registration in Colombia.

3. 📱Stay connected with public Internet services

One of the many amenities Colombia has to offer is its well-connected network of public Wi-Fi services. From the bustling streets of Bogotá to the sunny beaches of Cartagena, you’ll find an abundance of Wi-Fi hotspots to keep you seamlessly connected to the digital world.

Imagine sitting on a charming balcony enjoying a cup of freshly brewed Colombian coffee while sharing your amazing travel experiences with friends and family back home. Colombia’s public Wi-Fi services make this scenario a reality, allowing you to stay connected effortlessly and share your adventures as they unfold.

Find the nearest Internet hotspot to your destination

For nature lovers, some lush and beautiful places are unconnected precisely because they are an escape from the daily grind. But every city has at least one Wi-Fi hotspot.

You’ll want to carry plenty of batteries and memory sticks on your devices so you can save your memories and share your wanderlust with the rest of the world when you get to the hotspot.

So whether you’re a digital nomad looking for a workspace with a view or just want to stay in touch with loved ones during your Colombian getaway, rest assured that Colombia’s public Wi-Fi services will keep you perfectly connected in most major cities, adding even more convenience to your unforgettable trip.

Free Internet Point. Image from Caracol Radio Colombia
Free Internet Point. Image from Caracol Radio Colombia

4. 🏥Prioritize Acclimatization and Health

When traveling to new destinations, it is important to spend a reasonable amount of time acclimating and adapting to the local climate. Each location has its own weather patterns and conditions, which may be very different from what you are used to. For example, it is not recommended to fly within 24 hours of an activity such as scuba diving or to visit places such as Monserrate in Bogota on the same day of arrival.

In addition to acclimatizing to the climate, it is crucial to prioritize your well-being by taking care of your physical health. An important aspect to keep in mind is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water every day will not only quench your thirst but will also help prevent dehydration, especially in warmer climates or at higher altitudes, where the air tends to be drier.

Keep your tour operator informed about your state of health.

Before embarking on any tourist activity or adventure, it is advisable to evaluate your state of health. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, or heart problems, or are taking certain medications, inform the service provider. They will be able to make personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and help ensure your well-being during the trip.

Paragliding in the Sabana of Bogota
The activity of paragliding is widely done in Colombia, and it is controlled, therefore a medical record is required to show that the visitor is in good health for the activity.

5. 🦋Respect Protected Natural Areas

Before entering a protected natural area, it is important to familiarize yourself with the entry requirements, permitted activities, and recommendations for your visit. By doing so, you will play an important role in preserving these fragile ecosystems for future generations.

As a responsible visitor, it is important to respect and follow the rules established for these protected areas. In addition to following the entry requirements, it is equally important to be aware of the activities permitted within the protected area. Some activities, such as hiking, birding, or photography, may be encouraged and appropriate for certain areas. Others, such as off-trail exploration, camping, or motorized vehicle use, may be restricted to protect the environment and minimize disturbance to wildlife.

Together, we can ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of these protected areas and appreciate the remarkable diversity of life they support.

Colombian Hummingbird
Colombian Hummingbird. Photo by Daniel Pelaez Duque on Unsplash

6. 🧩Mindful Disposal of Waste

Let’s make a collective effort to prioritize the well-being of our environment by making proper waste disposal a priority. Together, we can make a significant impact in preserving the beauty and sustainability of Colombia for generations to come.

Imagine the picturesque landscapes, lush forests, and breathtaking coastlines that Colombia is blessed with. These natural wonders are not only an integral part of our country’s identity but also serve as a habitat for diverse ecosystems and wildlife. By leaving no trace and properly disposing of our waste, we can help preserve and protect these priceless treasures.

By disposing of our waste in designated areas, such as recycling bins or trash cans, we allow for the proper management and treatment of our waste materials. This ensures that harmful substances do not end up in our rivers, lakes, or soil, where they can cause serious harm to both our environment and our health.

In addition, responsible waste management practices contribute to the overall cleanliness of our communities. Litter can be unsightly, attract pests, and create an unsanitary environment. By making an effort to dispose of our waste properly, we help create cleaner and more welcoming spaces for ourselves and future generations.

Scenic View of the Lost City-Colombia
Scenic View of the Lost City-Colombia. Photo by Ákos Helgert from Pexels

7. 😊Embrace social diversity and cultural practices

Known for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cities, Colombia is not only a tourist hotspot but also a melting pot of cultures and traditions. With a rich historical past and diverse population, Colombia offers a unique tapestry of cultural experiences worth exploring.

From the magnificent colonial architecture of Cartagena’s Old Town to the indigenous communities in the remote Amazon jungle, the country is home to many cultural treasures. Each region has its own customs, festivals, and rituals that reflect the country’s social diversity.

Colombians are proud of their traditions, and it is important for visitors to be respectful and open-minded when encountering local customs. Whether attending a lively festival such as the Barranquilla Carnival or witnessing a traditional dance performance in a small town, embracing these cultural practices can provide a deeper understanding of the local way of life.

By immersing yourself in Colombia’s rich cultural tapestry, you will not only gain a new perspective on the country but also forge meaningful bonds with its people. So as you travel through Colombia’s diverse landscapes, remember to celebrate the social diversity and embrace the cultural practices that make this country so special.

Bagpipers from Ovejas, Sucre, Colombia. Photo by FRANK MERIÑO from Pexels

8. 📸Capture Memories Responsibly

While capturing memories through photography is a wonderful way to remember your trip, always be thoughtful and consider the context and culture you are in. As a tourist in Colombia, it is important to respect local customs and the privacy of the people you meet.

Before photographing someone, it is important to think about their comfort and get their consent. Approach them politely, show genuine interest, and ask if it’s okay to take their picture. Remember that not everyone is comfortable or wants to be photographed, especially in certain cultural or religious settings.

It is also important to be aware of places or areas where photography may be restricted or prohibited. Some locations, such as religious sites or private property, may have specific rules regarding photography. Always be sure to follow these rules to show your respect for the local community and its cultural heritage.

Finally, responsible use of photographs extends to sharing them on social media or other platforms. By taking a responsible and thoughtful approach to taking and using photographs, you can preserve your memories while respecting the rights and wishes of the people you meet on your travels. Let your photography be a positive reflection of your journey and a means to build bridges of understanding and appreciation between cultures.

camera screen focusing birds
Bird watching in Colombia. Photo of Eibar Algarra on Facebook

As you embark on your Colombian adventure, keep these recommendations in mind to make the most of your experience. By following these thoughtful guidelines, you will not only ensure your own enjoyment but also contribute to the responsible and sustainable tourism that Colombia strives for. Let your trip be a celebration of exploration and respect for the beauty that this incredible country has to offer. Bon voyage!

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